Once again, I am officially and unequivocally not pregnant. I had a blood test this morning (four days early because I've been spotting for several days). Big Fat Negative.
I guess the silver lining in this situation is that I can now consume my body's weight in alcohol over the holiday weekend.
Thank you to everyone for all the well wishes and tips to get rid of my nausea. Aren't I a lucky, lucky girl? Pregnancy symptoms for two weeks with no actual pregnancy is soooo much fun. A combination of ginger and salty pretzels seemed to do the trick to help calm my stomach. All the tips were much appreciated and will surely come in handy in the future.
I promise to catch up on my commenting over the holiday weekend. I've been missing my blogging buddies and can't wait to read how everyone's doing. :)
Hey, I just got back from vacation myself and am catching up. I'm so sorry to hear your news. I was really holding out hope for you. Major hugs, and have a drink for me.
so sorry. i was hoping for better news from you.
I'm so sorry, friend! Let's drink through this holiday weekend together.
A toast to you, dear! A toast to drinking! A toast to the 4th of July! And a toast to IF blogging buddies!
So sorry about the bfn,
oh loopie...i am so sorry...my heart goes out to you.
I am so sorry.
I hope you can enjoy the weekend.
Crap on a cracker, DC. I'm sorry.
Sucks out loud. So sorry to hear it.
I am so sorry, dc. I was really hoping for you. Huge hugs. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh, UGH!! I am really sorry to see this news. I do hope you can have some fun this weekend.
I am so sorry....this has to be so hard....
If there is anything I can do, you know I am here for ya....send me an email anytime you want to chat...OK
Missed you this week!
I'm so sorry.
So sad to hear this news. I am sending you lots of hugs from Oklahoma.
So sorry to hear that--how disappointing.
so sorry about the negative, DC. always sucks.
I so sorry...
Crap, I'm sorry. That totally sucks.
Oh, I'm so sorry. That really sucks.
I'm so sorry DC I know how much it truly sucks.
Have as many drinks as you want.
I've been a bit of a blog stalker waiting for your posting as I have felt a connection to you since I began reading your blog. I know this is not what you were hoping for, and quite frankly...it stinks.
I'm not one for cliches at a time like this, so instead I'd rather say, "There are no words. Only shoulders and hugs." --even if the shoulder and/or hugs are virtual (as they are in this case) I offer mine to you. It sounds like many others do as well from reading the comments that have been left.
Draw strength from those sending it your way...
Pacey's Aunt (Jocelyn's Sister),
I'm so sorry, dearie. Drink the drinks and enjoy the holiday weekend.
Wish I could be there to give you a hug. Giving you a big cyber hug instead.
fyi - it's still me, if you're wondering who this is. i had to change my blog.
DC, I am SO sorry to hear this news! Take good care of yourself honey!
I am so sorry.
I am so sorry...
I'm so sorry! That sucks so bad. I was keeping everything crossed for you!
Sending you some through-the-computer hugs!
Damn. This stuff just sucks. Hugs to you.
D ~ so sorry to read this :(
I was hoping this would be it for you! And yes, pregnancy symptoms with no pregnancy suck, suck, suck!
Have a good time this weekend...involved lots of booze, you deserve it!
You're in my thoughts :)
Oh Loopy, I'm sorry. I hope you get plenty to drink this weekend.
that sucks. but i had one that looked just like today too....
enjoy the weekend though :)
so sorry, hun. That really stinks. I am always for massive drinking after my BFNs.
Sorry sweetie :(
All of the symptoms and no pregnancy. It is almost like the universe not only doesn't want us to be pregnant but wants to rub our faces in it too.
I am so sorry but I hope you enjoy your holiday. Margarita anyone?
Damn. I am so sorry.
Holiday weekend a great excuse for a heavy drinking binge.
That just totally sucks. I am so, so sorry. I know it won't measure up to what you really wanted, but I hope you have a fantastic, drunk-fest of a holiday.
I'm so sorry.
Enjoy the weekend fun though.
Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry. It is just so hard.
Shit. I'm so sorry.
So sorry DC i was sooooo hoping for BFP on this one. I don't drink but have one for me anyway! We missed u too....
Bit late getting here but so, so sorry to hear your news. Having a commiserating drink here as well this weekend. Although I don't get a holiday to go with it.
Bit late getting here but so, so sorry to hear your news. Having a commiserating drink here as well this weekend. Although I don't get a holiday to go with it.
Just now back home and able to catch up on blog reading. So very, very sorry to read your news. You are in my thoughts...wishing you strength and as many of your favorite alcoholic beverages as you need (sans hangover!)
I'm so sorry. The stupid pg tests lie, I tell ya! Have a great weekend, full of alcoholic goodness. I'll be jealous of that part. *hugs*
I am sorry.
Oh DC, I am so sorry, I was checking back daily and hoping that your silence was due to your celebrating some good news. I really didn't expect this. :-( My beta is on July 9. I just want to get this over with!
Oh that completely sucks. I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry sweetie! Huge, huge, HUGE (((((((HUGS))))))) to you.
I'm so sorry, lupe. This is shitty and not right. I'm thinking of you this weekend!
I am sorry it was not the news you were hoping for.
Chug a lug Chickie-Poo!
Try to have a good holiday weekend.
that really sucks. I'm so sorry.
So sorry. I was hoping for the positive. I hope you did that drinking! :)
Just catching up with your blog and I'm real sorry to read your 'news'.
I had the whole pregnancy symptoms after my failed attempt too - not pleasant especially with the bloating etc. so people just put two and two together, coming up with five, and start congratulating you when you're hanging over the toilet.
Thinking of you Kx
I'm so sorry. It's just not fair. Haven't you been through enough already? I'm still hoping that it's just too early to know.
Well shes come around the last two days...she leaves at night, but if she keeps coming back, yes, I think she'll become Florenzo's playmate. Hope your good girl. oxoxoxo
DC, I'm so sorry. :(
Poop on that DC. I was hoping with you..Hope you had a good-as-possible weekend..Love from me to you!
I am so sorry!!!
I"m just getting caught up on reading after my weekend away and the holiday...I am so sorry to hear this news.
I am so sorry sweetie.
Big Hugs
Crap, that just blows. Have a whack of fine, it's earned.
Urgh... really sorry to see this news. I hope you were able to find some joy in the holiday weekend -- though I know it can be hard as hell.
Hang in there lady! I'm right there with you on this journey... sometimes it seems soooo endless and cruel, but I know someday it will be worth it.
Dammit. So sorry. Hugs.
I'm so sorry...that really sucks. :-(
I'm just now reading this, but I wanted to tell you how sorry I am. That really sucks.
Sorry I missed this, was away from civilization for the holiday. Am so sorry. Seriously, sucks.
I'm so so sorry. Take care of yourself and I hope you're feelng better. (hug)
Sorry: Feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone
Yup, I think that's the word...
I am sorry I hope one day soon your will find your resolution to this crappy news ... my heart breaks for you
I knew it so well some days (heck sometimes every day it is just so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel right.
I guess you know a mug of something strong is no consolation but it hope it resolves and eases something in you.
I was really pulling for you and your little embryo. I hope you got good and sloshed on the 4th!
that sucks :( I'm really sorry :(
I'm sorry to read the disappointing news. Hope you had a nice 4th of July anyway.
You're still missed (HUGS)
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