I know I've been quiet lately, but I'm actually doing quite well. I've been avoiding the blogging world for the last week or so because I'm desperately trying to feel "normal" and not dwell on my infertility and/or the fact that I am childless. Instead, I've been spending lots of quality time with my amazing friends and my unbelievably wonderful husband and have been trying desperately to focus on all the blessings in my life.

And now for some good baby news . . .

I am officially hopping back in the IVF saddle! We met with our RE on Monday and he agreed to let us try another IVF cycle in August. We've always used antagonist protocols in the past, so we're going to try a microdose flare protocol this time. Fingers crossed that our luck finally turns around! I am so tired of being on the "bad end" of every freakin' statistic.
I am so happy to see you writing again and thrilled to read that you are going to go for it again with another IVF. I hope the protocol change is just what you need.
I am glad to hear you are doing well too. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. (hugs)
Congrats on your newly acquired paper pregnancy status!! Any little one will be lucky to call you "mom". (:
Glad to see you back around. I know what you mean about taking a break from the bogging world. I did that last time our FET failed. So no worries!
I am glad to see you get back in the saddle. IVF takes alot out of a person. Jsut be sure to take care of yourself.
And "Paper Pregnant"....Woo Hoo!
Happy anniversary! July is a great anniversary month (I'm not biased or anything..) :) I hope that next month's IVF brings great results, and can't wait to see how your adoption story unfolds!
Hey, I have something for you on my blog. Stop by.
Hi DC, Nice to see you posting again!
Congrats on being 'paper pregnant'! I hope the protocol change turns out to be the lucky charm!!
happy anniversary! and congrats on moving along the ethiopia paperwork!
Wishing you all the best on your journey ahead.
May love and hope abound, and may we soon hear of REALLY REALLY good news, either in the form of two lines, or a flight ticket from you know where to you know where.
Happy anniversary!
Good luck with both the IVF and adoption process! How exciting!!!
Hey sweetie! Welcome back! I was a bit worried for you but I figured you'd need your space.
I am so so happy that you're paper pregnant! that's awesome news!!!!!
Happy Anniversary! I wondered where you went :) I'm loving that t-shirt! Adoption is the new Pregnant... how cute is that! Congrats on going forward with IVF, and a double congrats on being Paper Pregnant :)
Of course, I'm glad you added me to your roll!
It's been very interesting reading your journey and ups and downs. I'm sorry to hear the bad news, but such great news yet about your adoption from Ethiopia as well! I wish you all the best and love and I just have a great feeling that you having a beautiful family is yet to be.
BTW, what Pierce Brosnan story? Don't tell me you got to meet him, I'd be uber jealous...!
Wow how excited to be moving forward with both your next IVF cycle and your adoption. I have heard wonderful things about Ethiopian adoption, as well as Korean adoption.
Glad you are enjoying your husband and had a great anniversary. I know IF has made my husband and I closer.
Congrats on the good news on the IVF and the adoption! Babies coming from all directions I hope.
Glad to hear you have had lots of love and support from the people that matter. Wishing you luck with the next stages of both IVF and adoption.
According to adoption agencies Ethiopia is VERY fast! That's great about your Lupus. I'm a little (ok a lot) worried about my MS being an issue if we opt for international. If it is we'll go for domestic.
Good luck w/your IVF. I'm also gearing up for and August retrieval.
If I don't get pregnant? We'll be apply to domestic agencies as we pursue ART. If I do get pregnant and we have a boy, I'd like to adopt a girl internationally. How's that for a plan....all my bases covered, lol.
That sounds wonderful!!
Go you! Very glap to see the lupus is not an issue - that is as it should be.
Hi there! So nice to hear from you. And you sound great. A protocol change can be just the trick. I thought I was going to be doing that one too after my two antagonist cycles.
And congrats on your paper pregnancy. I am so very happy for you!
I'm glad you had such a lovely anniversary with your DH. I am impressed you are working on the adoption and IVF at the same time, good for you. I hope the process for both are expedited, and you bring home one (or more!) babies soon. :)
I literally just said "oh, yay!" out loud when I read that you were doing the lupron flare! They just switched me over to that, and I am excited about it. See my last post.
That's so exciting about the adoption! I'm hoping that both the IVF and the adoption work out for you, and that your home is filled with the pitter-patter of children. Best of wishes!
I'm so happy to hear that you are trying again, and that the adoption process is moving forward.
I have a question for you for when you have time-- how you would recommend I start learning about Ethiopian adoption? We have been thinking domestic due to time issues, but our hearts are in Africa, I think. I'd love to learn more but am unsure where to start. Thanks! -Dot
I love the idea of "paper pregnant."
So glad you are back in the saddle!
Have missed you, but knew you probably needed some time to get refocused!
Happy Anniversary to you and SM...he sounds like an amazing guy!
Good news on both the IVF and the adoption.....I am so excited for you!
I'm glad to know you are doing okay. Sometimes a break from the IF world can be really helpful.
But more than that, I'm so excited that your plans are going through with your adoption from Ethiopia. Great opportunities abound!
It sounds like you had an amazing week! Happy anniversary to you both!
It must feel so good to have made decisions regarding IVF and to have your "Paper Pregnancy" progressing nicely. I didn't know all that information about Ethiopian adoption, it is very interesting. I hope your 6-9 months will progress quickly!
Sooooo glad your back :)
Happy Anniversary :)
I am also glad to hear that you will be starting another IVF cycle soon...I hope this times the charm!
And of course, congrats on being "paper pregnant"! I really do admire you and your H's willingness to adopt a baby from Ethiopia! :)
hi! i've been reading your blog for the last 2 weeks...i found out i have lupus a few weeks ago. i was wondering if you could email me-i'd love to ask you some lupus questions! like, do you ever get the brown spots on your face? this just came up and i do have an appt with a dermatologist next week...but wondered if you had any suggestions. we're also going to adopt but haven't filled out any papers quite yet. i have two bio. daughters but lost a son at 14 weeks pregnant this past february. i am so sorry for your infertility problems. it's all so darn hard sometimes! anyway, i'd love to correspond with you and also ask what agency you're using.
I wanted to say hi. I saw your blog on lost in space's blog. That's great that you are able to do IVf again - good luck. I will be doing the same protocol if we do IVF #3 in August.
BTW, congrats on your adoption, too! Friends of mine adopted from Ethiopia last year...this is their blog if you are interested:
Glad to see you. Thanks for the adoption, IVF, and "other" update. :)
Happy Anniversary.
I am so glad you've been able to surround yourself with those who love and support you.
I am also so glad to hear that adoption plans are moving forward. It's good to hear from you.
Good for you! I've been down both of your paths...infertility and adoption...and guess what...I have a bio son and a daughter from China! Good things are coming your way. I just found your blog through Lisa's Half Gaelic. You have such a GREAT attitude about everything you are going through. I am so impressed! What an exciting time in your life!!!!
This is the first time I've visited your blog. I'm adopting from Ethiopia too. I wanted to trade questions - can I email you sometime?
My blog is: growingafamily.wordpress.com
My email address is on the "About" page.
Hope to hear from you!
Darling, I'm glad you're back in the saddle. Or stirrups. Or...hm. I need something for adoption...
Ah well, I am excited that the adoption stuff is moving forward regardless of IVF stuff! You've damn near convinced me *I* need to go the Ethiopian adoption route...
Hi! I wanted to say that I just found you and it seems to me tha you and I are in very similar situations!! I'm about to turn 34 tomorrow and have Lupus also. I've done two fresh IVF with no luck trying to have our first child. I can't wait to read about your journey with ARTS and the adoption process!! Congrats on getting the paper work done!
Congrats on the paper-pregnant status, that's wonderful!!!
that's so wonderful that the adoption is moving along! and also that you are going for it again with ivf!
I am so excited for you on both baby fronts! It sounds like y'all have made a wise decision by choosing to adopt from a country with a good foster system in place. Sending lots of sticky dust your way :)
good to see you back again. congrats on all the good news!
so gald things are going well with your adoption process and you are trying a new IVF protocol - i hope it brings you success, i will definatly be checking :)
and happy anniversary!!!!
Congratulations on your paper pregnancy!! I know how much work it is to get to that step. I admire you for continuing IVF in the meantime. Wishing you well on your next cycle!
Yay for IVF and super big YAY for being paper pregnant!! Im glad to see you back..You were sorely missed!!
Talk about exciting! Wow! All this is great news, and I am incredibly hopeful for you!
Congrats on both! How exciting!
The trip to Ethiopia is amazing, and I can't wait to hear about your journey...both of them!
What an awesome post! Happy anniversary to you and your husband.
Those are many of the reasons Ethiopia appeals to us, too. I was actually pretty saddened to see how taking antidepressants disqualifies you from adopting in so many countries (I believe Korea won't even let you if you've been in therapy). But Ethiopia seems welcoming, and that makes me happy.
Best of luck to ya'll as things proceed. I very much look forward to updates!
Happy anniversary!!!!
And congrats on both the adoption and the upcoming IVF cycle. Lots of luck on both!!!
I always say infertility is the best and worst thing that has ever happend to me... I really did bring me an Mike closer together. He was my rock during all my IF treatments.
I am glad to hear from you!
Congrats on the paper pregnancy!!! The paperwork gets overwhelming at times but at least there is a baby at the end of this! Thats what I tell myself when I get overwhelmed!
Things move mighty fast in your world...so good to read all of the promising news!
A belated Happy Anniversary!
I'm so excited about you adopting a child from Ethiopia! I can't wait to read more about that. :D
HI, I took a break as well. Just now catching up. Wow, another IVF...good for you. I've done micro-flare in the past and will do antagonist this tie. Trade ya' protocols!
Exciting news in both the adoption and IVF areas! Woohooo! Best of luck to you in both.
Congrats to you both!! Sending positive vibes your way!
I stumbled upon you and to be honest, I'm amazed. My father-in-law and sister-in-law both have lupus and it has always been considered a "death" sentence in the family. My SIL doesn't want to try to get pregnant because her parents told her she would die if she did. I am trying to learn more about the disease so that I know what is true and what is exaggerated. I am happy to find a place that I can learn more and see a more positive view on life with lupus.
Congrats on getting paper pregnant!
Just checking in....hope everything is A OK!
We got back yesterday and I am just trying to catch up!
Hope you had a great weekend!
wow that is soo great! happy anniversary too! IVF and adoption, so awesome, we are doing IUI and adoption, its fun hey! ha ha, keeps me busy I guess! Can't wait to hear more about your progress!
Lady, I hope everything is going well with you.
SWEEEEEET!! I am so happy for everything you've got going on! Your relationship with your husband sounds wonderful, I'm glad this IF crap didn't rip you apart or make you bitter and angry at each other, you guys sound like you were meant for each other. :)
Lots of luck on the next IVF cycle and on the paper pregnancy!!!
Hi, and welcome back. Very excited about your adoption and upcoming IVF! I have been MIA a bit too, just BLAH, you know? I drank twice my weight in alcohol this weekend. :-)
Great news on the adoption front, as well as your deciding to try again with the IVF.
Sending prayers your way!
DC, you've been gone too long! Hope everything is okay......
Where have you been? I hope that everything is OK....
Just checking in on my bloggy friend!
Hope you are doing okay and just keeping busy. I've been thinking about you. (hugs)
I'm also dying to hear your Pierce Brosnan story. I saw Mamma Mia on Saturday and he made the show for me. LOL.
Hey Lupus, where did you go?
You still here? Just wanted to see how things are going and check in on you! It's been three weeks, and we're anxious to see how you are doing, friend!
Hey DC....wondering if you have decided to leave the land of blogger on us. Have been thinking about you...hope that everything is OK...if you get a minute, please at least send me an email....it is attached to my profile!
Hope all is well!
Just checking in to say I hope everything is going well.
Hi there thanks for your visit. Good luck on the IVF.
(my active site.)
Hey there. I hope you're doing ok. Been checking in on you to see how you're going.
Good luck! I am also trying a microflare protocol this time (going to see my RE on Tuesday). Crossing my fingers hard that it works for us both.
Was just thinking about ya! Hope all is well...miss you :)
checking in...how are you?
Hope you are doing ok, miss your posts...
Loopy Lu, I miss yooooouuuu...
I hope that you are OK....I pop over here almost daily, hoping to see something from you!!
Know that you are missed and we hope that you come back soon!
Hi, DC... just popping over to say "hi." We miss you.
I saw your website when I was reading about lupus in children. My name is Sandra and I have a 8 year old gild how has Lupus SLE. She was diagnosed when she was 4 years old. I have a website about her www.barnaland.is/barn/35827 the password is duglegust
Good luck with everything.
Happy Anniversary (very late!).
Hope you are doing well.... It is almost September and we would love to hear from you.
Take care of yourself. Many blessings to all your family.
I'm worried about you! Can you let us all know that you are okay? Even if you're not in a bloggy-kind-of-place. Just drop us a line so we know if you're all right?
Hope September brings the beginning of fall color and even though the leaves will fall and Winter will come, winter is a step towards spring when the flowers overwhelm us with their color and scents.
We miss you, understand your distance though I think.
Hope you are doing ok!
Hey! Where you be at? :-)
Hope all is well.
Are you still blogging lovely lady? Enquiring minds have been wondering about you....
Hey sweetie.... checking in on you... getting a lot worried!!!!!! Please let us know you are ok!!!!
Hey - I have you added to my Reader but now I'm concerned that you haven't posted in so long...are you okay? Hope you are healthy and happy...
Hey loopy. It's been forever. I know you haven't updated in months, but I wanted to check in with you to see how you are.
Hope your well and having a nice holiday with your family.
So, you haven't posted in a good long while. I hope all is well for you.
I am praying through my blogroll today and I will send up a special prayer for you!
keepin you in my prayers...((HUGS))
Sweetie, I hope all is well... I miss you!!
Howdy! I was looking at a blog post of mine from May 2008. It happened to be the first post of mine you ever commented on.
Hope you're doing well...
Hi! I just found your blog. I also have lupus. After losing 4 babies to miscarriage, one finally stuck (through much medical intervention) and she is now an awsome 6 year old. I also have six fantastic children through adoption. I wish you all the best in your journey!
Hi! I just found your blog. I also have lupus. After losing 4 babies to miscarriage, one finally stuck (through much medical intervention) and she is now an awsome 6 year old. I also have six fantastic children through adoption. I wish you all the best in your journey!
Are you still OK?? Please check out my blog at www.lupushope.blogspot.com
Hmm.. Amazing comment number :D
Lupus Disease Blog
Better late than never.
I have been diagnosed with lupus nephritis for five years now and am struggling with trying to wean off my meds in the hopes of getting pregnant. After getting so close to my goal I am having a really bad flare now and have been told that I may never be healthy enough to carry my own child. The hubby and I have always considered adoption and it is starting to look like what we will pursue first as soon as my health recovers. I know you haven't written in several years, not sure if you even still check this but I would really, really love to communicate with you about your experiences if you are open to it. I don't know anyone else in real life who struggles with these issues and am just looking for someone who understands. If you are still checking this and are open to it, please email me. Or any other lupies who may be reading this...I'd really appreciate it.
- Joyce
I will keep u in my prayers. A few of my friends with Lupus also and a hard time getting pregnant it took a few years..the flares knock things out of wack but its not impossible. There is nothing too hard for God so stay faithful, it will be in HIS timing. Just pray and trust that it will come to pass.
Starting saying "when I get pregnant, not if."
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Hi, your post has touched me really. It is so beautiful when hard things bring people together instead of breaking them apart. The infertility problem is not easy, especially emotionally, I have struggled myself for a while. I thought I drop you some links of helpful reading about female problems that also cause infretility, would be great if anything could be helpful to your situation. God bless. Clare
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