1. We have been preliminarily approved for our international adoption! Our Adoption Information Sheet has been processed and we are scheduled for a phone orientation next week. I'm so excited that the ball is finally rolling!
2. My IVF cycle is still a go! At my RE appointment yesterday, my follicles were measuring 13, 11, 10, and 7. Dr. T thinks we'll end up getting two eggs. Under normal circumstances, this would not be a sufficient yield to justify proceeding with IVF; however, my doctor is willing to take a chance because he thinks this is as good as we're gonna' get with my gimpy ovaries. My lady parts are broken and that stinks. But it only takes one good egg, right?

In the meantime, I look like some sort of heroin addict, with bruises and needle marks all over my arms and stomach from the copious blood draws and injectable hormones. Dead sexy, huh?

I go back to the RE on Monday for more blood work and another ultrasound. I'll trigger on Monday or Tuesday, with egg retrieval scheduled for Wednesday or Thursday. Since I'll likely only have one or two embryos (or, if I'm really lucky, three), we'll do a 3-day embryo transfer. So . . . I'll be PUPO (Pregnant Unless / Until Proven Otherwise) by about June 21st-22nd. And, very soon, I'll be "paper pregnant" with a precious Ethiopian baby!
Before I sign off for today, I need to address some quick BLOG BUSINESS . . .
I LOVE comments and I try to respond to every single one of them. Sometimes, though, I can't figure out how to find a blogger who's left a particular comment. Normally, I would click on your ID and it would lead me to your profile, which then leads to your blog. But some bloggers haven't enabled their profiles, so I can't find them!! (emily, suzanne, mommasoon, danni and tommy, and others . . . I'm talking to you!) I really want to keep in touch, so could you please either enable your profile, leave your url in your comment, or email me your contact info? My email address is lupuspie at gmail dot com. Thanks!!

Looks like things are looking up girl!
Congrats on the prelim approval with Gladney....it is so exciting when you start your paperwork and the chase is on to get your dossier finished!
Your poor little arms.....it will all be worth it though!
Happy Friday!
Congrats on your approval! How exciting!!! When will you know more?
And don't worry about your arms. You can count those as your mommy badges of honor for now. It will all be worth it in the end! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed 3 eggies!
Congrats on all the progress. Poor arms. It's almost over.
You really only do need one good egg.
talk about balls rolling!! grow follies grow....
annndd you do kinda look like an addict, not gonna lie! i feel bad for your arms :(
studying yesterday and today = slooow, burn out is setting in, so i am trying to take it easy so i can avoid that but still be productive at the same time, this is a difficult task! still chugging along - thanks for looking out :)
happy friday to you!
Congratulations on getting the ball rolling! I hear you about the bruising, although my arms are half as bad as my stomach. I should me triggering Monday or Tuesday as well, or at least I hope so.
You'll never find me! Bwahahahaha!
No, dude? GREAT NEWS. Sooo happy!
Okay, 1. The stalker thing made me pee my pants. I mean, it's not funny. But it's the kind of thing that movies are made out of. Okay, horror movies. But anyway. 2. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all things baby in your world right now! 3. The phlebotomist (sp?) who drew your blood needs further training.
yay! on the approval! That is so exciting that you are adopting and doing IF treatments at the same time, so am I!! I sure hope the IVF works for you and that you are soon on your way to your adopted baby!
LOL. Excellent! You are also someone who didn't enable her profile to show her blog. LOL!
Congrats on ethiopia! That is a huge step. And your follies are lookin' good.
Oh wait, no you aren't! I am on drugs! HA HA HA! I can see your profile just fine. I love it. I need my sangria. Where is that bottle in my desk drawer?
1. YIPPEEE! That is excellent.
2. Good luck with the gimpy ovaries!
Wait a second...is this "infertility" thing just a cover for your heroin addiction?
Great news! I'm so happy for you that things are looking promising on all fronts.
Your arms look very owie! Hope all your bruises are preparation for good results to come!
Oh boy all sorts of good new huh??!! Aside from the apparent problem you have with "chasing the dragon" (Heroine reference BTW). Every single time I have to get just ONE needle for anything at all, give blood, get IV's, anything at all I end up bruised BAD-so I can identify with the feeling.
All going good with our floors so far and I am pretty certain we will both sleep EXCELLENT again tonight. And we are STILL married (although it was touch and go for a while today).
Keeping good thoughts for ya!!
Congrats on adoption process!
So I haven't done an IVF cycle, only injectible/IUI. I give myself shots in my stomach. For IVF do you give them in your arms? Your poor arms.
sorry I didn't leave a url last time...http://perezbebe.wordpress.com/
Praying for tres embies!
What exciting news. All of it.
That's a lot of good news! ( Well except for the track marks part). Very exciting. I will cross all my fingers and toes for your cycle.
I always say that I have "Glenvy"... Gladney envy. The Gladney bloggers all seem so incredibly lovely and wonderful. Congrats on your approval.
Great news on the adoption process. Woo hoo!!
And it is true what they say - you do only need one egg - I only got two on both of my IVF attempts and I got lucky.
I have a great feeling about you...
Wow!!!! What great news!!! That's an awesome way to start the weekend.
I am so excited to follow your adoption journey...I really admire you for it.
Take care.
Congrats on the approval! Thats one small step for processes, one giant leap for mommyhood.
I concur with the heroine addict feeling. Bruises gallore during IVF cycle. C'mon GIMP - power up! *Fingers crossed for mucho embryos*
This is an exciting time!
I know another blogger who had IVF, got two eggs, and is now nine weeks pg. It absolutely happens!
Ouchie on those arms. My inner elbows are starting to look like I've got tracks. :-O
Congrats on your approval!!!
Your poor arms I definatly don't miss going through IVF
THanks for the sweet comment, DC! I'm all grumpy cause it's been raining and cold for a week here, so your niceness is totally appreciated today. Cheers!
Wow you and I are schedule for ER on the same day. Next Wednesday. I'm thinking I might be delayed though, I'll find out more tomorrow.
Congrats on moving forward with your Ethiopian Adoption. How exciting. My friend Stephanie is adopting from Haiti. Here is here blog's address:
Great news all around! Congratulations on moving forward with Gladney (they rock)! And a big YEAH on the go for your IVF cycle!! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!
What great news, all around. I'm so thrilled for you. . .
Thanks for the comment! I look forward to following your journey as well!
I'm so excited for you!!! Sounds like good things are happening :)
All such great, great news! June 22 is a good luck day - that's my anniversary!
Yeah! Congrats on the good neews, HOW EXCITING!
Yup - one egg, one sperm. At least that is what I am told. It just doesn't seem like it should be so darn hard!!
Congrats and the approval with your adoption agency and your follie results. Good luck this week!
Hi there,
Nice to meet you. I love Almost Famous & Middlesex too. Good luck with your adoption and IVF!!
Congrats on both baby fronts! Hope all goes well with the IVF cycle and you're rockin and rollin on your homestudy and dossier very soon.
Kerri and Ruby
Oh, such great news! I'm glad you have reason to be hopeful on both fronts. I wish you all the luck in the world in both avenues. You deserve every happiness.
Congrats on your approval. One more hurdle down!
Ouch on your poor arms! I'm so glad your RE is moving forward with your cycle. All my best for your retrieval next week.
Hooray! Things are looking up for you lovely lady! (although your arms are tres heroin chic! - ouch!)
Oh and ooops about the details in my profile. You should be able to see more details about me now!
Four follies is great! How exciting about the adoption stuff AND IVF! You may have twins! :)
How did you become the comment queen so fast!?
P.S. I am going to call you "Ms. Skinny Arms" - I wish I had your skinny arms!!
Wow! That's a lot of stuff happening all at once!! But it all sounds like it's going in the right direction - I hope those eggs will be all you need!
My arms always looks horrible at the end of an IVF cycle too. 10 straight days of blood draws will do that to you. And don't even talk about the stomach!
Congratulations on the adoption acceptance! That is awesome. Love the pic of the girl with the egg. Hope the cycle goes well for you.
Congratulations on being pre-approved! That is such great news.
How exciting to think that right now your baby might be out there somewhere!
That's really great! You've got several baby chances comin' at cha!
I'm so glad they are going to go ahead and do the retrieval. Yay!
Oh my! I just got back in town and read that you were approved with Gladney AND moving forward with IVF! Congrats! What an amazing week for you!
Congratulations on any type of pregnancy!! I (we meaning DH and I) have been paper pregnant for almost three years. We wish yours is MUCH shorter wait!!
Thank you for commenting on our blog.
Alyson LID 01/27/06 (IA China)
Congrats on several fronts! I cannot believe how many things you appear to accomplish every day. You are amazing!
It really does only take one! What great news you have to share, I will be thinking wonderful thoughts for you.
Ps. my next post (the one in my head) will be about vegetarian "pepperoni" that you make from zucchini - I hope you'll have a chance to stop by - I don't know if I'll get it written tonight but it should be up soon!
I'm so glad that everything is going along so well, both with your adoption and with the cycle, just wonderful!
Very exciting news about the prelim approval! I wish you lots of luck on all fronts!
Congrats on jumping into the adoption process!
Someone stole the pic of your arms and posted it on facebook as being their arms and their dad is beating them.I've got a screen shot of it I can email to you.I have a spam email that I will post here in case you want to see it email me.asboaz@netzero.com
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