matt, liz and madeline is a blog that makes me break into my "ugly cry" (and no, it's not just the fertility hormones). In his blog, Matt chronicles the joy and subsequent overwhelming grief he experienced after his wife Liz gave birth to their first child, Madeline. 27 hours after her c-section, Matt's beautiful wife Liz suddenly died.
That was just 11 weeks ago, so Matt's emotions are still understandably raw. Click here to read the story, as told by Matt. Please stop by and show Matt some love. He and baby Madeline need all the support and virtual hugs they can get right now.
OK, I'm done with my "ugly cry" for the day. Not really. I'm sure I'll do it again later. Thank you hormones! But, for now, I'd like to lighten the mood by tackling a meme. (Ya'll know how I LOVE games!) For this particular meme, I was tagged by THREE amazing bloggers:
1. My favorite patriotic, movie-loving photographer, oh2btigger at Rational Irrationalities;
2. The sarcastic and extremely funny paramedic-in-training, Seriously? at We're Barren . . . How 'Bout You?; and
3. The gorgeously PREGNANT Nine at Nine Months, of whose pink boa and functional ovaries I am exceedingly jealous. ;)
Now for the rules: Each player answers 5 questions about themselves, then tags 5 people to play along. Post the names of the bloggers you tag, then go to their blogs and leave a comment, letting them know they have been tagged. Here are the questions:
1. Five things I was doing 10 years ago:
- Ten years ago, I was on a summer break from law school. I spent half the summer of 1998 working at a law firm and the other half traveling through Central America.
- While clerking at the law firm, I worked on a number of fascinating cases involving patients' rights, medical malpractice, and personal injury.
- During my travels, I spent several weeks in Belize, where I enjoyed some amazing SCUBA diving adventures, including the famous "Great Blue Hole" - my deepest dive to date (see picture below).
- I also spent several weeks in Honduras and Guatemala, where I explored the jungle and visited a number of active archeological digs. It was an awesome experience. Very Indiana Jones-esque.
- 1998 was the year I figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up. And who I didn't want to spend my life with.

2. Five things on my to do list for today:
- Go to my doctor's appointment
- Buy stamps (I keep running out of 1 cent stamps because the postal service is raising prices faster than I can use my old stamps!)
- Take my favorite mutt for a long walk by the beach
- Finalize the agenda for my upcoming Homeowners' Association meeting
- Pay my bills (ick!)
3. Five snacks I enjoy: (Because it makes for much better daydreaming, I'm gonna' assume I'm NOT on a diet for the purpose of this list.)
- Warm brie with fresh sourdough bread
- Guacamole with Triscuits
- Potato salad with extra mustard
- Chocolate chunk cookie dough (raw, of course!)
- Homemade Mexican layer dip
4. Five things I would do if I was a billionaire:
- Purchase a ton of land to start an animal rescue foundation
- Open a transitional home and job training center for teenagers who are aging out of the Kolfe Boys Orphanage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Buy an estate with a big backyard for all our future children to enjoy
- Buy the house next door for my mother
- Fund research to try and find a cure for infertility and lupus
5. Five places I have lived:
- Los Angeles, CA
- Malibu, CA
- London, England
- Washington, D.C.
- St. Louis, MO
Five people I want to know better: (It's sooo hard to choose just five because I want to know everything about everyone. I'm nosy like that.)
Hope you have fun with the meme! (If, on the other hand, you find memes annoying, please just ignore this and don't be mad at me.) :)
Ok I am in.....keep in mind the husband is away and I am holding down the fort....if I don't get to it tonight...I will do it tomorrow....promise!
This will be fun.....tune in for the who am I going to tag??????
Im in too....but since I have posted today already, going to save it for tomorrow's post.
Btw, on the story about the guy and his wife dying after child birth. Heartbreaking, I know. It was on the front page of our cities newspaper when it happend and it just broke my heart. I cant even imagine.
Thanks for tagging me!
I love all your answers -- and, HEY, I should have thought of purchasing land to start a new animal rescue org, instead of just donating to the existing ones. When we both get our billion, let's go in together.
P.S. I went through a phase where all I did was read (and suffer through) the blogs about loss (I posted about it on my blog a few months ago). I couldn't stop for weeks, and I had many, many "ugly cries". For me -- I think it made me think about what could be worse than never getting pregnant...getting there and losing it? Giving birth and then having to say goodbye after mere days or even hours? So tragic.
Oh gosh Loopie. I just spent the last couple hours reading all about Matt, Liz and Madeline. What a sad story. He does seem to be pulling through it all real well (with the help of his countless friends and family).
I would join in this game, but I already did this one. I want to be tagged again though, it was fun.
ok, so I added it today anyways...
I meant to mention how wonderful it is that you have traveled so much. Lucky girl!
i have read matt's blog - i had to stop for awhile b/c i was ugly crying too... but maybe i will stop back bye...thanks for reminding me.
I tag you for the six word memoir. Let me know how it goes.
I am a total scrunched up red faced ugly crier. I will keep Matt and Madeline in my thoughts and prayers.
I knew we had more in common than that damn IC and bad family genes. I'm a Midwest girl gone L.A. too. (:
Seriously? Your ten years ago is ridiculously interesting. For real? (sticks tongue out!) I feel like such a slug in comparison!
A cure for IF. I should have thought of that!
I want to post something funny and sweet, but now I'm thinking about Matt's blog. Gah.
Wow, you are well traveled!
I recently discovered Matt's blog's so heart-breaking...crazy how life throws things so unexpected at us sometimes.
Your trip to South America sounds fabulous! I want to hear about others, if you've taken them, or more stories from the one you took 10 years ago.
Is it just me or are the word verifications on your comment section particularly hard to figure out? Maybe I need my eyes examined!
you flatter me too much! I firmly believe every girl should have a pink boa and a tiara. Working ovaries too- damn the man!!
Here from NCLM. I'm with you on the warm brie!
Okay, you are so hysterical. I can't wait to continue reading about your journey!
Liz Lyons
I had been avoiding Matt's blog for quite some time. Just couldn't bring myself to read it in fear of the ugly cry. But I've spent the past hour or so trying to catch up, ugly crying most of the way. Thanks for shoving me in the right direction!
My, my. You've been around the block...uhhh, world. Great experiences. I haven't read Matt's story yet, but I will. Thanks for the info. The support from online friends is amazingly helpful.
I did go over Matt's blog but I couldn't stay - too much for me I'm afraid...
And as you did so well with that Meme I tagged you in another one! (don't hate me!)
What an interesting meme!! And I can't believe you scuba dived in The Great Blue Hole!! Your 1998 was WAY more exciting than mine.
Yeah. I've seen that blog. It's so sad! :(
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