The bad news: After 13 agonizing days of injecting myself with the most powerful fertility drugs known to man, I only have two active follicles. (This, by the way, is the same result many Fertile Myrtles have on a monthly basis, with NO excruciatingly painful injectable hormones.) Am I bitter and resentful? Oh, you betcha'.
My left ovary has completely shut down because of my monster endometrioma. Grrrrr. I'm still trying to decide on a name for the (not so) little bugger, so if you have any suggestions, please feel free to chime in!
The good news: My RE is agreeing to proceed with IVF, despite my dismal response to the meds. My egg retrieval surgery will be this Thursday. Assuming we get one or two eggs AND, further assuming at least one of those eggs fertilizes, our embryo transfer will take place on Sunday. So, this time next week, I will hopefully be PUPO!!

Perhaps the best news of the day: I'm being "jumped in" to a gang!! Oh yes, an actual gang. It's called the Vet Mafia Bloggers (or VMB, for short). The VMB describe themselves as "An embittered, but shrewdly humorous gangsta offshoot of the infertility blogging community." I think I'll fit in beautifully, as I am bitter, shrewd AND pathetically infertile.
So, in order to join the gang, I must jump through several membership hurdles:
1. I must choose a gang moniker. Check! Loopy P in the hiz-zouse!
2. I am required to post a picture of myself flashing the VMB gang sign. Check!

3. I must put the VMB button on my blog. Check!

4. I must relay a story about the rudest thing a Fertile ever said to me. Check!
- For this one, I'm just gonna' refer ya'll directly to my exceedingly petulant previous post, entitled "Ten Things Never to Say to Someone Dealing With Infertility."
If you're a fellow "Bitter & Shrewd Infertile" and would like to be part of the gang (c'mon, you know you're dying to have a cool gang moniker), just go check out the VMB website and follow the rules to be jumped in. Good luck!!

Welcome, Loopy P! I knew you'd be one of the first to join!
I'm sending lots of good vibes to those follicles and praying that you'll get at least one healthy embryo to transfer. I'm so excited about your home study and moving another step forward with the adoption!
Loopy P in da house!! :)
Sucks about the lack of follicles...but hey, you only need one!! Keeping you in my prayers.
And that is wonderful about the adoption! It's coming together :)
Take care gangsta! :)
P.S. and if you and your hubby go dancing anytime...remember, gangstas don't dance, they boogie :)
Sorry that you didn't get any more follicles, but I'll be keeping my fingers, toes (and hair) crossed that they both fertilize!
Yay as well on another step forward in the adoption process, too!
Well, I even though your follicles arent cooperating as much as you would have wanted them too, I am still going to say congrats on going ahead with your retrival. *Fingers crossed* that you make some embies! Also, the big news on the adoption process. Seems like today, you only took one step back but two steps forward, rather than vise versa. Sounds like progress to me!
Will be sending lots of good vibes your way on Thursday! You are amazing tackling that along with the adoption. It's a ton to process.
Hmm...I'll have to think of some endometrioma names. I seem to always have one myself -- it went away after surgery and is now back. Heck, it must love me. I do enjoy the fact that it's called a "chocolate cyst". You'd think I'd have others to go along with my many cravings: velveeta cyst, taco cyst, red wine cyst, bacon cyst...
Two is better than none and it only takes one!
I am so excited for your meeting tomorrow am! Ask Gladney who they recommend or who they already work with.....there can be a lot of back and forth between your agency and homestudy agency and you want to make sure the lines of communication are good!
Will be saying a little prayer for ya this week!
Nice rack! :) Congrats on joining a gang. Do I have your protection if I find myself in a sticky situation now?
Partners For Adoption is the agency you need. They come to you for the interviews and let you do all your education online.
Loopy P, Hell Ya! I like it.
Sorry you only have 2 but I'm hoping they both fertilize and turn into live, healthy babies in 9 months. I've got your back homey! LOL
I'm so glad they are going ahead with the retrieval! I had three and they shut me down. And I also thought, well I could have made three with WAY less drugs at a cost of a couple of THOUSAND dollars less! Fires me up still!
So who took your gang picture? Because I need to take mine, and I don't really wanna ask the husband! He wouldn't understand! LOL!
Sticky vibes...
Yo Loopy P! You are officially jumped! Excellent initiation post!
It is very gangsta to be injecting like that for two follicles. If they know what's good for them they will cough up some fantastic eggs, fertilize and make some badass embryos that turn into sweet kids.
And yay for the homestudy - be sure to hide your VMB paraphernalia.
Hey DC aka 'Loopy P' keeping my fingers crossed for you on Thursday!!
We used Adoption Options for our homestudy and Loved Them! They are located out of San Diego but handle LA county as well. They really went above and beyond for us!!
I'm sending lots of good fertilizing vibes your way.
Glad to hear the adoption plans are coming together.
Good luck!
from nclm.
Name it PenisLicker or Fucker. Good luck with retrieval!!
loopy P - love it!
man - lets just hope those follicles you DO have get the job done. but how great about the adoption process moving another step forward!!
oh too funny! Can't wait to read about all the smackdowns :)
I'm soooo glad your RE is going through with the retrieval. I hope one of those is half of your future bebe.
Good luck with your adoption orientation tomorrow!!
LOL. You seriously make my 32A's look like mosquito bites. So is there protection from stupid fertiles in this gang of yours?
those damn endometriomas. same problem over here. they make stimming a lot harder. does your RE know how to handle that?
I'll trade good thought for you on Thursday in exchange for good thought for me on Wednesday. I hope to be celebrating a BFP with you in about 2 weeks. Good Luck!
Nice rack AND you get to be in a gang.
Dang it! I'm so jealappy! You are so rocksome!
(Today's goal- use my made-up words as frequently as possible in pubic settings:)
Your blog is my favorite...I decided. I love everything about it. Thank you for many good laughs and thoughtful moments already.
Hmm...I'm one of the ones that's not enabled? I'm not sure what to do about that. I will work on it. I think I would like to be considered enabled.
Keeping everything crossed for you -- those follicles are going to kick some ass!
yo loopy p! I agree it's very gangsta to move ahead with 2 follicles, but they best know what's good for them and get with the program or they be sleepin' with the fishes. also props for moving ahead with the home study at the same time!
LOL! YOU GO, LOOPY P!!! that had me in hysterics!
Yay on the adoption plans are moving faster!
DC - you are awesome and I hope these eggs come good for you on Thursday.
I could tell you a story but I won't ;) I am thinking of you iron woman.I be on my knees too.
Good luck with your adoption paperwork too.
I'm here from NaComLeavCom
My Little Drummer boys
warm regards
Just wanted to wish you the best of luck on your egg retrieval and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that they get at least one good embryo for you. You adoption and home study sounds really exciting too!
Wishing you all kinds of good thoughts with the retrieval ... and with the home study efforts.
Loopy P Wishy-Wish is in da hizousse and i'm gettin my gansta style ready now, stay tuned....
As for your follicles, it only takes one....Sunday you're babies will be transferred God Willing.
Long live the VMB ganstas!
Best of luck on all accounts! Sounds like you'll be busy over the next few days, which is great. Go little embryos, go!
My sister-in-law is starting IVF this month (she has two kids, but can't seem to crank out a third) - any advice on what she should expect? Is it possible for attempt #1 to work, or should she be prepared to give it a 2nd and 3rd attempt (or more). Lastly, do your chances increase with each IVF try?
Take care and good luck!!!
awesome! Congrats on getting jumped in. I hope you don't have to be hazed, you'd think all those injections would be enough. :)
And I'm sorry about just 2 follies after all those shots, ugh. Sometimes I hate fertiles! They'll never know the pain. Sigh.
Good luck w/ the IVF and everything else!
How did the orientation go this morning? Good news about doing the retrieval - 2 is better than none and you never know what could happen!
Congrats on the gang!! lol
Sorry about the low follie count, but I'm glad you are going to proceed anyway. It only takes one after all! ;)
You gotta be able to walk away form IVF knowing you did everything. I'm hoping for the best for you. Crazier sh*t has happened. I mean those two must be pretty strong candidates.
Also, I have been thinking of joining VMB but, embarrassingly, I may not have the technical skills to do so. I'll need to figure out how to do a few things first. I'd love to be jumped in by you and all the other super-cool chicks in VMB.
I'd consider it an honor to have you and io kick me in the head repeatedly.
I'm praying that you'll have great results this week for your transfer, and that everything will go great with the home study.
I'm glad the adoption and IVF are both moving forward. Hope all goes well on Thursday!
Sweetie, I am crossing my fingers for you and those follies, as you said in another post, it only takes one good one!!! Hang in there!!
Good luck on the adoption front to, you know, once you adopt, you'll get pregnant!! LOL Just Kidding!!!
I have high hopes for those two gangsta follicles!
Just checking in to see how the orientation went this am!
I will assume you are now armed and dangerous with a giant stack of papers to be filled out to officially start the process!
Hope all is well!
Wow, what a rack! Im so jealous! Im glad your getting to go through with the retrieval...VMB's throw down!
Crud, just lost my post, let's try again.
Hiya from a fellow VMB initiate!
Sorry about the crap response to the meds. But I'm glad you get to proceed anyway. Crossing everything that crosses for you!
Good luck Thursday, Loopy P! :o)
yeah so exciting! This is so funny
Thanks for the link - that is soooo funny!!
Good luck with your retrieval - grow eggies, grow!!
I remember the day we got our paperwork....I was all over it....we got our paperwork done in record time....I probably would have flown it to China myself if I could have!
Very exciting times for you.....crossing fingers and toes for Thursday!
WOW, I "know" a real live gang member! Cool
heya Loopy P ...
Wanted to let you know I featured your blog on the LFA's blog. You can check it out here
Sending good vibes your way.
best, Wick Davis
Lupus Foundation of America
I hope everything goes well this weekend- keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you!
I dig your moniker too.
Damn, girl! Look at that rack! Woohooooo.
*Ahem* totally-uncomfortable-edging-on-inappropriate-commentary-over*Ahem*
Yeah, I'm sending you mad happy vibes for those two precious eggies. Go, darlings, go!
lol Loopy P! :)
It only takes one, so here is praying that one is all it takes!
Hell, yeah, Loopy-P! I'm jumped-in too! Come check me out, sista!!!
Glad you're able to stay upbeat with so much coming at you at the same time. And yeah, the IVF really could work. But I'm pumped to hear you've got the back burner working at the same time. Way to push back at this nasty-ass world.
I think you should name your endometria "The Blob." I've been trying to name all my IVF events with B-Movie titles. My favorite so far, which we use every cycle, is "The Harvest." You'll be there soon.
Hey, Loopy-P! "Patches" here. I just got jumped-in and thought I'd stop by and offer some support for your follies and the adoption. I've got nuttin' but respect for ya.
BTW - you've got the coolest looking embie pics I've ever seen!
peace out!
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