Friday, June 20, 2008

The Golden Egg??

Our lone little egg is turning out to be a fighter! She fertilized!! Please keep your fingers crossed that our precious embaby continues to divide and grow. Our embryo transfer is scheduled for this Sunday. Grow embie, grow!!


Hope said...

YAYYYyy go embaby go!!!

Thanks for the encouragement, ((hugs))

Julie said...

woohoo! Is that her? She's a Beaut!

megan said...

I am so happy to hear that I still have my toes and fingers crossed for you!!!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

This is great news!!!!

Hoping that everything goes well Sunday!

Keeping you in my prayers!


Josée Martens said...

FAAAAAA-BU-LOUS! I hope you are resting up for your transfer. Your embie is doing everything in its power to grow into the cutest little baby so get ready! Enjoy the weekend. I'll be checking in on you!

(i've listened to Mother and Child reunion on transfer day to jazz myself up.)

Io said...

Good girl eggie! Now divide and conquer!

Paula Keller said...

She's beauuuutiful! :)

Anonymous said...

OMG that is SUCH good news. YAY!!!

Jocelyn said...

Grow, grow, grow!! We are cheering you on here in Oklahoma!!!

Happy said...

I'm sending good vibes!!

Psych Post Doc said...

Everything is crossed. Grow embie grow!!

JW Moxie said...

Grow, grow, grow! I hope this is The Little Embryo That Could.

veggiemom said...

Yay!!! Sending happy cell-dividing thoughts your way!
Kerri and Ruby

Joanna said...

How freaking exciting!!!

Multiply little one...multiply!

Away2me (Deanna) said...

Oh that is fantastic news! Grow embryo grow. I'm so excited for you.

Beth A. said...

Great news! Fingers crossed that everything continues to go well.

Pepper said...

**Sending you lotsa embie growing vibes!**

Lauren said...


Lost in Space said...

This is exactly what I was hoping to read tonight!!! Woo Hoo!!!! I am so so happy for you. Your spunky little embryo is kicking ass!!

msl said...

Yeah!!!! Go little embie go!
Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Meg said...

grow little one grow grow grow!

Stacie said...

Come on, embie, you can do it!

Kara said...

Keeping fingers, eyes, toes and knees crossed for you plus sending lots of good vibes your way.

Hope your weekend is great!

Found you from VMB~

Blog Shmog said...

yay! that is so awesome!

SAHW said...

Alright! Keep growing embaby!

Anonymous said...

HOOOOOORAAAAAY!!!! Grow little embie G-R-O-W!

Sending you loads of good thoughts! xoxo

Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

Yay! GO EGG GO!!!!!!


Sam said...

woohoo!! Grow embie grow!! Having never read an infertility blog until about a month ago, I am really quite surprised at how much I am getting to know and just how excited I am for you!! Grow embie grow!!

Wishing 4 One said...

Yeah! Grow embaby grow, divide, multiply and IMPLANT! Will be thinking of you on Sunday. So exciting!

Anonymous said...

Grow, grow, grow!!!

Prayers for a successful transfer tomorrow.

T n' W said...

That is wonderful!Grow baby,GROW!!!

Jamie said...

Grow little eggie!! We're all rooting for you!!

Unknown said...

Sending good wishes to you for the transfer tomorrow.

Fit & Fierce Mama said...

that's fantastic!! YAY!! I will be thinking of you and your little embie on Sunday! Take care!!

Katie said...

Just returning your comment. Here's hoping all goes well for you. No the day off didn't help, I've just packed up and cleaned a house with a raging cold!

Stephanie said...

Great news!
from nclm

Heather said...

Go embie baby!!! Grow! Grow! Grow!

Pamela T. said...

SO excited to read this! Wishing all sorts of good thoughts for you...!

Miss Feisty said...

Ohhhhh!!! This is great news!!!!

I am saying prayers for your little embie!

Take it easy :)

Anonymous said...

Sending lots of embie growing vibes!

shawna said...

I'll be crossing everything that I have tomorrow. I hope that everything goes well. Good Luck!

luna said...

here's hoping that golden egg is THE one!

Amanda said...

I'm rooting for you!

Brigindo said...

Congrats! That is great news. It only takes one. I'll keep everything crossed.

Ginny said...

Wonderful! You will be in my thoughts!!!

Sunny said...

Hooray for the perfect embie! Sunday is my DH's birthday, hopefully it'll prove lucky for you too. :) Anxiously awaiting the update...

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Yay for embaby! Grow, grow, grow!

GOOD luck!

Samantha said...

Good luck tomorrow! May this embie be the one!

Mommy Meryl said...

Oh yeah!!! I'm keeping all my limbs crossed for you! I am looking forward to your update. . . said...

Woo Hoo!!

Keep going little embie!!

Aunt Becky said...

Okay, so you know I'm hormonal. But maybe, JUST MAYBE I wept a little when I read this. OR MAYBE I HAD SOMETHING IN MY EYE.

I have to go now.


peesticksandstones said...

I love the idea of a "golden egg". That's very cool!

Wishing you all the best for the transfer tomorrow.

Jodi said...

Good luck tomorrow!!!

annacyclopedia said...

Grow, little embie, grow! You and your little embryo are in my thoughts and prayers.

andrea said...

wahooo! go baby go! good luck tomorrow

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Just checking in.....good luck tomorrow...thinking about ya girl!


Kim said...

Grow, grow, grow! Hope the ET goes well! nclm

Geohde said...

Crossing my crossables for you and embaby,


Mrs.Joyner said...

Thats fantastic news!!! Sending good thoughts and dividing and implanting vibes your way!!

Fiddle1 said...

Everything's crossed for you here! Outstanding!

Phoebe said...

You go girl!! You are so brave to go through this. Go embie go!

chicklet said...

Gawd, I know exactly how it is to get just one. We had that with IVF#1 and it's just so scary and depressing. But know that for lots of girls, it does take just one. Wishing you all sorts of good luck with this one:-)

Amanda said...

I am soooooooo excited for you! I hope all goes well and the transfer is a success!

Shauna said...

wishing you lots of luck!

Stacie said...

Thinking of you today...hope all is well.

Joanna said...

Know your probably not in the mood.... but I am dying to hear how it went!

Hope2morrow said...

Gee, I missed so much! Glad to know you have a good egg, dear! Prayers and good thoughts...

Betty M said...

That is looking very good indeed. I have a small boy sleeping in a room behind me who was one who didn't look as fine as that. Hoping everythig goes well today.

docgrumbles said...

Come on, Golden Egg!

Does that make you the goose?

Pepper said...

I hope today's transfer went well!

Rebel With.A.Cause said...


Hope all went well

Sophie - LFA said...

Sending positive energy your way!

Juicy said...

whoo hoo!! Looks fantastic, keep on growin' baby!

A golden egg, indeed! :)

fatfighter said...

Love the golden egg photo ;) Wishing you the best.

Liesl said...

YAY!!! This is so exciting! Hope the transfer went splendidly...praying for you here in OK.

Wordgirl said...

What wonderful news -- even if I'm on the bandwagon a bit late -- I"m here -- and hoping it all went swimmingly -- but wait -- no swimming needed this time...!

May the nestling in begin!


MedWriter said...

how awesome!!!!
i hope the 2ww goes fast!!

Sam said...

Crossing fingers and toes and everything in between!!

KatBouska said...

Cautiously excited...I'll be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's wonderful news. I'm keeping ya in my prayers!!!

(Sorry that I've been gone for such a long time...)