Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm PUPO!!

I'm PUPO! (For those of you not familiar with "infertility vernacular," that means Pregnant Unless / Until Proven Otherwise.) So I have to act as though I'm pregnant, just in case I actually am pregnant. Are you still with me? Yeah, it's not very much fun.

Our embryo transfer on Sunday was uneventful; however, my doctor did make a special point of warning me not to use a heating pad or otherwise let my stomach get too warm, since excessive heat can cause the uterus to contract. So I've been trying to lay off the laptop because I can't rest it on my lap for fear of cooking my precious little embryo.

In case you were wondering, being on bed rest and not being able to use my laptop is a special kind of torture for me. I'm beginning to master the art of laying on my side and typing with one hand, so I'll be catching up on some long-overdue commenting this afternoon. In the meantime, let's talk about lupus! :)

I'd like to give a big shout out to Wick Davis, who does a fantastic job maintaining the website and blog for the Lupus Foundation of America. In fact, Wick recently featured little ol' me on the LFA blog! Click here to check it out. Thanks Wick! I'm honored and humbled to be associated with the LFA. Please keep up the amazing work!


Paula Keller said...

Still hoping the little engine that could snuggles in!

Betty M said...

yay you!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Glad to hear that you are PUPO!!!!

We need to get you one of those little tables that you can sit with while in bed or on the couch so you can still use your laptop and not worry about the heat!

Keepin a good thought for ya!


Josée Martens said...

Come on embaby!!!! Snuggle into mommy!

Joanna said...

I am so glad to hear your egg fertilized and was able to get to transfer.

I am going to go rub my fertility goddess for you tonight and chant, "Lupus pie...lupus pie, lupus pie" and do a little rain dance or something.

Onto the 2ww!!

SAHW said...

DH always would get mad at me when I would use the laptop directly on my lap...and hmmm...I guess he was right! I'll have to start learning one-handed typing too! :)

Hope you go from PUPO to full out proven to be pregnant. :)

shawna said...

Congratulations on making it to the ET. I am so excited for you, and pray that you get to drop the "until proven otherwise" in less than 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all went well with the transfer. Come on little embie, snuggle in for a nice long stay!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Unfortunately...this is the new norm for China!

When we started this process, it was a 6 month wait, but it has now escalated to 28 months and will minimally be 36 months for us....Thank God we were blessed with Sarah during our wait! I would be out of my sister got pregnant one month after we started this process, and just had her second baby on Valentine's Day! Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would still be waiting!


Io said...

Yay for being PUPO!

Away2me (Deanna) said...

Woohoo and frankly I intend to consider myself pregnant once Transfer occurs. I mean I'll have living embryos in my uterus, that means pregant to me. So enjoy this pregnancy and I hope it lasts 40 weeks!

megan said...

Yeah!!! I am so glad the embie made it to transfer. Congrats on being PUPO!!! So are you a tester or can you wait until your beta?

Amy said...

PUPO.... I learned something new! Will you be on bedrest for the duration??? Wow. o.

Anonymous said...

YAY! I hope to join you in PUPO land in a few days. :-)

Miss Feisty said...

So glad you are doing ok :)

I have been stalking (no pun intended to the previous story you told me!) your page waiting for an update.

Take it easy and I'm hopin your little gangsta is settlin in for the long haul :)

Anonymous said...

Oooooh very exciting. I'm going to cross everything for you. I too would die if I was on bedrest AND on a laptop ban. Thinking of you!

Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

You go PUPO! I will join you in a day or two. I'm feeling PUPO-LESS now.

I managed to maximise the bandwidth, just from blogging! And DH couldn't believe it! hahahha! :)

andrea said...

yay PUPO!! now snuggle in little embabie

Michelle said...

oh goody! may the embie make him or herself very, very at home :)

msl said...

PUPO! YAY! The little embie that could!!
Still got all my fingers and toes crossed for you!

Samantha said...

Hang in there, golden embie!

Mrs.Joyner said...

Yay for being PUPO!! Now onto the next 38 or so weeks!!

Pepper said...

Congrats on bringing your embaby home! Well done, Grasshopper!

**Sending you some implanting vibes**

Sam said...

Cook baby cook! Or implant, baby implant! (directed at your embaby)

Lost in Space said...

I'm so glad your embie made it home!! I may need some instructions on your sideways typing skills sometime next week. (:

Congrats on the great transfer!!

Kara said...

Congrats and totally jealous that you got to meet Bond Brosnan. Please share and happy to see someone blogging from CA.

Chat soon :-)

Sophie - LFA said...

Well hey there. Thank you so much for the shout out!! Totally appreciated.

And you taught me a new vocab word. Being an English major, I am down with that.

Good vibes and positive energy coming your way ...


fatfighter said...

Ummm... laying on your side and typing with one hand, huh? You are truly talented. ;)

T n' W said...

Well, if ya gotta be on bedrest, I can think of no better reason!!

Thanks for the PUPO interpretation. I would have never got that one.

Katie said...

Wow, that's fantastic news. Fingers crossed for you.

Fit & Fierce Mama said...

I'm pulling for you and your embie :) LOL about cooking the embryo with the laptop and having to type one handed. I would go nuts too if I was on bedrest and couldn't be online!

Sorry about the typo on my blog :) no, we don't have an out house! I don't think my family would come visit if we did!

Heather said...

Good luck! I'll check out their website. My favorite SIL (I have five SILs) has lupus (and it's pretty bad) and my DH has rheumatoid arthritis. I know it is possible that DD might develop some of these symptoms as she gets older.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I was thinking about you yesterday and Sunday. I'll think implanting thoughts. :)

Keep us posted.


Mommy Meryl said...

What great news!!! I'm sending very positive pregnant thoughts your way. . .here is hoping you too will be having sleepovers soon!

Jamie said...

My first dog's name was Pupo, so that acronym always makes me laught!!

Good luck!! Sending postitive, sticky vibes your way!!

MissNoAngel (find me on Twitter) said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you! I'll be checking back for a wonderful update! ;)

Debz said...

I should NEVER have gone camping - I miss all the good stuff. That's it -I am never leaving this laptop again!

Congrats and *fingers crossed*

Peeveme said...

Cool write up.
Good luck in the 2ww!

Schatzi said...

Congrats on your new PUPO status. Everything crossed for you!

Blog Shmog said...

that's is great news!

los cazadores said...

Congrats on PUPO status! I've recently been following along on your journey...


Wishing 4 One said...

Hooray for PUPO!!! Its so FUN to be PUPO, I miss it and hope to be PUPO again!! Thinking of you and your embaby.

Miss Feisty said...

Hope you are feeling ok :)

Unknown said...

Good luck, got everything crossed that can be crossed.

Amanda said...
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Amanda said...

Stick in there, little golden embryo!!!

Stacie said...

Yea for PUPO! Stick, embie, stick!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

I read your comments on my blog...too funny that we have a lot of the same stuff and the same taste!

So sorry to hear that you are will all be worth it...hang in there:)


Hope2morrow said...

Oh, how exciting! The wait is on....

JW Moxie said...

I'm thinking tons of great thoughts for you and your little embryo that could!

Weintribe said...

Ok-so I am totally out of the loop where this is all concerned.

but checking obsessively for updates

when will you find out the official answer?

holding my breath!!!

Busted said...

Congrats on PUPO!!!

Pamela T. said...

PUPO...veddy interesting. I'm learning new IF vernacular all the time. Work it...make it yours!

Liesl said...


starsgoblue said...

Good luck!

Joanna said...

Thinking about you PUPO! Howz your 2ww going?

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Hoping you are OK...

I know you were not feeling well...just wanted to check in :)


A said...

It only takes one!!!!