Thursday, June 19, 2008

It Only Takes One

I just returned from my egg retrieval surgery and I'm afraid the news is not great. We only got one egg (which, of course, is better than no eggs).

I'm pretty woozy from the meds, so I'm going to take a nap now. I'll check back later and start catching up on my comments. Thank you to everyone for all the well wishes! Talk to you soon . . .


Anonymous said...

I'm hoping and praying that this one is THE one, the only one you need. :) *hugs*

Aunt Becky said...

And thankfully, you only need one :)

Sending light and love to you embie.

Io said...

Fingers and toes crossed for you dear!

shawna said...

I pray that this is the right one. I know how frustrating a low number can be.

Debz said...

Hoping & Praying Loopy. Hoping & Praying.

Away2me (Deanna) said...

I'm sorry it is only one, but I'm hoping it is the right one!

Anonymous said...

Awww rest up honey. Fingers crossed that is THE ONE!

Mrs. Spit said...

Go Egg, Go Egg, Go Egg. . .

MsPrufrock said...

I'm with the others (and your title) - one may be disappointing, but that's all that is required! I understand your statistics for a successful IVF don't favour two embryos versus one. No, really!

Psych Post Doc said...

I wish you the best of luck. I hope you were able to get some rest.

Fit & Fierce Mama said...

I'm keeping you in my thoughts. You are right- it only takes one and I'm betting this is the one. Take care of yourself!!

Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

Let this be DA ONE!!!!!!!

Keeping fingers, toes and hair crossed for you!


I Love Purple More Than You said...

Well, you only need one good one, right? Let's hope it is just that!

andrea said...

crossing it all for you!

Stacie said...

Everything is crossed for you and your one little eggie! Come on, eggie...

Lauren said...

Come on little eggie! Do your magic!

Crossing anything I can find for you. Making hubby cross too! LOL

Joanna said...

C'mon super egg!!!

Go eeggg, Go egggg, go go go eggg!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Let's hope one is all it takes!

Get your rest..Sending a big hug your way!


Anonymous said...

Sending lots of prayers that all you need is one.

veggiemom said...

Hope your one egg is "the one"
Kerri and Ruby

JW Moxie said...

I hoping praying that that one is a fighter.

Weintribe said...

:( sorry about the other one, but *so* glad you got one!

can't wait to hear how fertilization and the transfer go!!!

Lost in Space said...

I hope your one beautiful egg is the only one you need. I'm sorry things aren't as great as you had hoped, but you have lots of prayers and positive thoughts for your fighter. ((Hugs))

luna said...

sending you all the best hope that this is THE one. rest up from the meds and best of luck with fert and transfer!

thanks for kind comment earlier . (and sorry to make you cry!)

Wishing 4 One said...

This is THE one...thinking of you and hoping you rested well. Looking forward to hearing GREAT news these next weeks. Sending you lots of hugs frm here....

Clever Trevor said...

We have everything crossed for you and the 'one'.

shawna said...

I just wanted to check in on you this morning. I hope that you are staying positive.

Pamela T. said...

And I bet it's a fighter! Look after yourself and get your rest. Fingers and toes crossed that all goes well.

Liesl said...

You're right, it only takes one! Praying for great news...


Meg said...

I have everything crossed that this is THE ONE!

Paula Keller said...

Wishin' and hopin' this one is the little engine that could!

Joanna said...

You're wrong, no cheerleader here!

Just felt a little diddy was in order. :)

Josée Martens said...

Well you already know that millions and millions of ladies get pregnant across the world through sex but maybe you forgot that they ALL have just one egg each month. I've seen it again and again on my forum. One egg ---> One beautiful baby.

But enough with the happy talk. I know how much it sucks to hear that. My last cycle was supposed to net 10 eggs. Instead, only one was mature. Never understood why it happened but it did. It was a really crappy one too. Not like a good one egg.

I hope your fertilization report is good today! I'll be watching for it.
Awwww crap. I had one egg last cycle too. But a goo

Heather said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

SAHW said...

You said it - it only takes one, and I really hope this will be the one that works for you!

Juicy said...

hmm. Maybe this is the one egg that is the total bad-ass of 'em all and it'll just do its job better than any other darn egg out there?

Good luck, I hope you get fantastic news about it soon.

Miss Feisty said...

You are right it only takes one :)

Hope you are resting up!!!